Jamboo Card Terms and Conditions


About our Terms

The terms and conditions governing your Jamboo card (Card) are between you and Transact Payments Limited (company number 108217) (TPL).

You can download or print the latest version of the above terms and conditions at any time from the App and/or request a paper copy from Customer Services.

If you do not agree with or accept any of these terms and conditions, you should close your Wallet, cancel your Card and stop using the App.

Section 2: Jamboo Debit Mastercard Terms and Conditions

This Section 2 contains the Jamboo Debit Mastercard Cardholder Terms (Terms) and the Fees & Limits Schedule (Schedule 1). We refer to both of these together as the Cardholder Agreement.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please read this Cardholder Agreement carefully before activating the Card. It becomes effective and binding on you when you activate or use the Card. This Cardholder Agreement will apply until the Card expires or until either of us ends this Cardholder Agreement, whichever happens first. The Fees & Limits Schedule at the end of this document forms part of this Cardholder Agreement.


  1. Definitions & Interpretation:
Additional Card Any additional Card which is issued to a person any time after the successful registration of a Wallet that is not the Primary Card or a replacement Card.
Additional Cardholder A person who you have authorised to hold an Additional Card.
Cardholder Agreement These terms and conditions relating to the use of the Card(s), which may change from time to time.
App The mobile application provided by Jamboo that allows you to access the Wallet and carry out certain Card-related functions such as activating the Card, viewing Transactions, blocking and unblocking the Card and raising queries with Customer Services in relation to use of the Card.
Applicable Law Any law which applies to the provision and use of the Card (including, but not limited to, any local law of the jurisdictions into which the Program is provided and operated), statute, statutory instrument, act, regulation, rule, order, supervisory guidance, policy, instruction or requirement stipulated by an applicable Regulatory Authority, or interpretation published by any Regulatory Authority, any order issued by a court which has authority over you, us or Program Manager, or any rule or requirement set by Mastercard related to the Card and/or services to be provided under this Cardholder Agreement or any other rule that we consider to be valid and as amended from time to time.
Available Balance The value of unspent funds loaded onto the Wallet and available to spend with your Card.
Business Day Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm CET, excluding bank and public holidays in Gibraltar.
Card Any Card which we issue to you under this Cardholder Agreement.
Customer Services The contact centre for dealing with queries about the Card. You can contact Customer Services by e-mailing support@jamboo.app from the email address registered to the App.
Expiry Date For Physical Cards: The expiry date showing on the Card.
For Virtual Cards: the expiry date will be shown in the APP (wallet) under virtual card section.
Fee Any fee payable by you as referenced in the Fees & Limits Schedule.
Fees & Limits Schedule The schedule contained in this Cardholder Agreement.
KYC Means “Know Your Customer” and constitutes our verification of your Personal Details.
Mastercard The payment network applicable to the Card.
Jamboo Jamboo Ltd incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 14541056 and registered office address at 307 Euston Road, London, England, NW1 3AD.
Personal Details/ Personal Data The registered personal identity details relating to the use of the Card and App including (but not limited to) your: name, date of birth, home address, email address and telephone (landline and/or mobile) number. Full details of the Personal Data which we process are set out in our Privacy Policy.
Physical Card A physical/plastic Card that you can use to carry out Transactions.
PIN Personal Identification Number; that is, the security number provided for use with the Card.
Primary Card The first Card issued to you under this Cardholder Agreement.
Primary Cardholder You, the person who has been issued with the Primary Card and who is responsible for the use of all other Additional Cards in accordance with this Cardholder Agreement.
Program Means the issuance, marketing, sale, processing, administration, supervision, maintenance, servicing, authorisation or usage of the Cards and any other payment services provided under this Cardholder Agreement.
Program Manager Payload Ltd, incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 14606631 and registered office at Epworth House, 25 City Road, London, England, EC1Y 1AA; or Jamboo Ltd on its behalf.
Regulatory Authority Mastercard and/or any regulator or agency (for example, the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, which are the bodies which grant our licence and supervise our actions) which has authority over us or Program Manager in relation to the Card or any services which we provide under this Cardholder Agreement.
Retailer A retailer or any other person that accepts payment by Card.
Transaction Using the Card to make (i) a payment, or a purchase of goods or services from a Retailer where you pay (in full or in part) including where you pay over the internet, by phone or by mail order or (ii) a cash withdrawal from an ATM or bank.
Username and Password A set of personal codes selected by you in order to access the App.
Virtual Card A non-physical Card that you can use to carry out Transactions. When we refer to a Physical Card in this Cardholder Agreement, we are referring only to the Physical Card and not to the Virtual Card.
Wallet The electronic money account provided by Transact Payments Limited and opened in accordance with a separate agreement.
Website www.jamboo.app
we, us or our Transact Payments Limited (“TPL”), a company incorporated in Gibraltar with registered address at 6.20 World Trade Center, 6 Bayside Road, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA, company registration number 108217 and which is authorised by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission an electronic money institution.
you or your You, the person who has entered into this Cardholder Agreement with us by virtue of your use of the Card and any other person you have authorised to use any Cards in accordance with this Cardholder Agreement.


  1. Your Cardholder Agreement and Card
  1. The Card is issued by us in accordance with our Mastercard licence and you must use the Card in accordance with this Cardholder Agreement.
  2. You can download or print the latest version of this Cardholder Agreement at any time from the Website and/or request a copy from Customer Services.
  3. The Card is a debit card connected to the Wallet provided to you by Transact Payments Limited.
  4. You are not permitted to resell the Card.


  1. Applying for and activating the Card
  1. To apply for, and use, a Card you must be at least 18 and resident in the United Kingdom.
  2. You may apply for a Card via the App and we may require you to provide information/documentary evidence to prove your identity and address and/or we may carry out electronic identification verification checks (known as ‘KYC’) on you.  
  3. When you receive the Card, you must activate it. You may activate your Virtual Card via the APP or Physical Card by selecting the card you want to activate in the App, click Activate and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Provided we have been able to successfully complete KYC, you will receive an activation confirmation on the App and you will be able to use the Card.


  1. Personal Details
  1. When you buy goods or services online, some websites may require you to enter your Personal Details. If this happens, you should enter your up-to-date Personal Details.
  2. You must notify Program Manager of any change in your Personal Details as soon as possible by contacting Customer Services or updating the details in the App. You will have to pay for any loss that happens directly as a result of any delay in telling us about a change or if you have not told us because you’ve been grossly negligent or committed fraud. We will need to verify your new Personal Details and may request relevant KYC information/documents from you.
  3. We, or Program Manager, reserve the right at any time to satisfy ourselves that your Personal Details are correct (for example, by requesting relevant original documents) including so that we can prevent fraud and/or money laundering. Also, you authorise us or Program Manager to undertake electronic identity verification checks on you either directly ourselves or using relevant third-party companies, when you apply for a Card or at any time in the future.


  1. Using the Card
  1. You can use the Card subject to the Fees which you can find in the Fees & Limits Schedule at the bottom of this Cardholder Agreement. The Fees will be deducted from the Available Balance as they are charged to you.
  2. Any Fees which are charged on a regular basis shall be payable by you proportionally up to the time when this Cardholder Agreement ends. If you pay any Fees in advance, they shall be reimbursed to you proportionally.
  3. You Card is to be used to spend the funds on your Wallet. Please refer to your Jamboo Wallet Terms and Conditions for information on how to receive funds into your Wallet.
  4. Unless we inform you otherwise, you can use the Card at any Retailer which accepts Mastercard.
  5. You must always ensure that you have sufficient Available Balance for each Transaction you authorise (including enough funds to cover value added tax and any other taxes, duties and applicable fees). If the Available Balance is insufficient to pay for a Transaction, some Retailers may not allow you to combine paying by Card with other payment methods.
  6. If for any reason a Transaction is carried out but the amount is greater than the Available Balance, you must pay us the difference immediately. If you don’t pay us after receiving a notification from us, we reserve the right to take all necessary steps to recover the difference, including legal action.
  7. There are certain circumstances where a Retailer require you to have an Available Balance which is greater than the value of the Transaction you wish to make. Retailers may request this as they may need to access more funds than you initially planned to spend for example, when you make hotel or rental car reservations. If this happens, you will not have access to the blocked amount of funds until the Transaction is completed or, at the latest, up to a period of 30 days. We will only block access to the exact amount of funds which you authorise with the Retailer. You will only be charged for the actual and final value of the Transaction.
  8. You cannot use the Card at Retailers who cannot check that you have sufficient Available Balance for the Transaction (for example, Transactions made on trains, ships, some in-flight purchases and tollbooths which are not online). We are not responsible if a Retailer refuses to accept payment using the Card.
  9. We do not recommend using a Virtual Card to buy an item over the internet that would require you to show a Physical Card in order to collect that item. For example, certain theatre ticket purchases, hotel stays, car rentals and online purchases picked up in person.
  10. Depending on the type and location of the ATM and the Card settings, you may not be able to withdraw cash using a Virtual Card.
  11. You can use the Card in accordance with the limits placed on it. The limits are set out in the Fees & Limits Schedule.
  12. You must not use the Card for any illegal purposes.
  13. The following information is applicable if you use a Card to purchase airtime vouchers:
  1. the airtime vouchers are provided to Jamboo by Ezetop Unlimited Company t/a Ding (“Ding”). Ding is incorporated in Ireland with registration number 422514 and has its registered office at 3 Shelbourne Buildings, Crampton Avenue, Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04C2Y6, Ireland;
  2. Jamboo shall be responsible for distribution and sale of the airtime vouchers to you;
  3. we are not associated with Ding in any way; and
  4. we will not sell, nor will we be involved in the sale of, any airtime vouchers purchased from Ding.


  1. Authorising Transactions
  1. You must give your consent to each Transaction by a) using your PIN or other security code personal to you; b) providing the Card details; and/or c) providing any other details personal to you and/or the Card. Once you have given your consent to the Transaction, we will consider it to be authorised by you.
  2. When you make a Transaction, we consider it to be received when it is received by our processing partner. If a Transaction order is received after 4pm on a Business Day then it will be considered to have been received on the next Business day.
  3. Once a Transaction has been authorised by you and received by us, it cannot be reversed.
  4. Certain Retailers may not accept payments made through the Card and we accept no liability for this: it is your responsibility to check the restrictions of each Retailer.
  5. Your ability to use or access the Card may occasionally be interrupted, for example if Program Manager or any third-party service providers need to carry out maintenance on their systems or websites. Please contact Customer Services if you experience any problems using the Card these will be resolved as soon as possible. 
  1. Additional Cards
  1. At our sole discretion and provided we have received sufficient KYC information/documents (in accordance with clause 3.ii), you may be eligible to apply for up to 1 additional Physical Card and up to 3 additional Virtual Cards (together being the Additional Cards) connected directly to the Wallet, for use by Additional Cardholders. You can apply for these by contacting Customer Services on support@jamboo.app or accessing the relevant area in the App.
  2. Additional Cardholders must be at least 18 years old or, as long as you are legally responsible for them, at least 13 years old.  Transactions by persons under 18 years of age may not be allowed by some Merchants but in all cases, you shall be responsible for any use of any Additional Cards by such persons. We may request KYC for each Additional Cardholder as required.
  3. If your Additional Card application is successful, we will send you an Additional Card. There may be a fee for this – if there is, it is set out in the Fees & Limits Schedule. You may then give the Card to the nominated Additional Cardholder for their exclusive use, provided that:
  1. you provide the Additional Cardholder with a copy of these terms and conditions (which will then bind use by each of you);
  2. the Additional Card is used only by that Additional Cardholder;
  3. you keep the Primary Card for your sole and exclusive use in accordance with this Cardholder Agreement;
  4. all Transactions made on the Additional Card shall be considered as having been authorised directly by you, the Primary Cardholder. You shall be responsible for those Transactions and any Fees.
  1. Funds cannot be added directly on to any Additional Cards. They will be connected to the same Wallet as the Primary Card and so Transactions made using the Additional Card will use funds from the Primary Card Wallet.  
  2. You must ensure that any Additional Cardholders under 18 years of age do not use a Card for any purpose for which the minimum age is at least 18 e.g. purchase of alcohol, adult entertainment or gambling.
  1. Managing & Protecting the Card
  1. You will need a Personal Identification Number (PIN) in order to make payments at a Retailer with the Card. Your PIN will be the one you set up when you activate your card  or alternatively changed after activating the card.
  2. If you forget your PIN, you can contact Customer Services on support@jamboo.app for assistance with any PIN-related queries.
  3. You must not give the Card to any other person or allow any other person to use it.
  4. You are responsible for the Card, PIN and any related security details (we will refer to all of these as ‘Security Details’ in the rest of this clause 8) and must take all possible measures to keep them safe and entirely confidential. Examples of these measures include (but are not limited to):
  1. never letting any other person use your Security Details;
  2. never writing your Security Details on the Card or on anything you usually keep with the Card;
  3. keeping your Security Details secret at all times for example, by not using your PIN if anyone else is watching.
  1. If you don’t keep your Security Details safe, you may not be able to claim any losses if we can show that you have intentionally failed to keep the information safe or you have acted fraudulently, with unreasonable delay or with gross negligence. In all other circumstances, the maximum amount you will be required to pay will be £35.
  2. If you believe that someone else knows any of your Security Details, you must notify us by contacting Customer Services immediately.
  3. If we suspect or believe that there may be a security threat or a threat of fraud to the Card, Program Manager will notify you securely via email/SMS/push notification.
  4. Once your Physical Card has expired or if it is found after you have reported it as lost or stolen, you must destroy it by cutting it in two through the magnetic strip.


  1. Cancellation
  1. You may cancel the Card and end this Cardholder Agreement at any time by contacting Customer Services.
  2. Once the Card has been cancelled, you must destroy your Physical Card(s).


  1. Expiry

You will not be able to use the Card following its Expiry Date. This Cardholder Agreement shall end on the Expiry Date unless we issue you with a replacement Card.


  1. Termination or Suspension of the Card
  1. When this Cardholder Agreement is terminated, the Card is closed. We, or Program Manager for us, may terminate this Cardholder Agreement at any time by giving you two months’ advance notice (which will be sent to the email address that you have provided to us).
  2. If your Wallet agreement is to be terminated, we, or Program Manager for us, will also terminate this Cardholder Agreement. However, if this Cardholder Agreement is terminated, you may continue to use your Wallet under the separate Wallet agreement.
  3. We, or Program Manager for us, can suspend the Card, restrict its functionality or terminate this Cardholder Agreement at any time immediately if:
  1. you haven’t given us information we need or we believe that any of the information that you have provided to us was incorrect or false; or
  2. a Transaction has been declined because you don’t have sufficient funds in the Wallet or you do not repay money that you owe to us; or
  3. you do not provide the Personal Data that we need to be able to comply with our legal obligations and to fulfil this Cardholder Agreement; or
  4. we reasonably suspect that the security of the Card has been compromised or that you, or any third party, have used, or intend to use the Card in a grossly negligent way or for fraudulent or other illegal purposes;
  5. your Wallet agreement with Transact Payments Limited has been suspended, restricted or terminated; or
  6. we believe that your use of the Card may result in harm to us or our systems; or
  7. we believe that your continued use of the Card may damage our reputation; or
  8. you become bankrupt; or
  9. we are required to suspend/restrict the Card or terminate this Cardholder Agreement under Applicable Law or if we believe that your continued use of the Card may be in breach of Applicable Law; or
  10. we cannot process some or all of your Transactions due to the actions of third parties; or
  11. you have breached this Cardholder Agreement in a serious or persistent way.
  1. If we do suspend or terminate the Card then, if we are legally allowed to, we or Program Manager shall notify you in advance or as soon as possible afterwards. We may advise anyone involved in the Transaction if a suspension has taken place. If we suspend or block the Card, we will unblock it as soon as the reasons for blocking no longer exist.


  1. Loss or Theft of the Card.
  1. You are responsible for protecting the Card as if it were cash in your wallet – if it is lost or stolen, you may lose some or all of the money on the Card unless you contact us as set out in this clause.
  2. You must contact Program Manager without delay by sending an email regarding lost and stolen card to support@jamboo.app, if you know or suspect that a Card is lost, stolen or being used without your permission or that the PIN or any of the Security Details is known to anyone else or if you think that a Transaction has not been carried out correctly.
  3. If the Card was lost, stolen or used by someone without your permission and you have reported it to us, you must pay the first £35 of losses. If our investigations show that you authorised a Transaction that you’re disputing or that you acted fraudulently or that you negligently or intentionally breached the terms of this Cardholder Agreement (for example, by not keeping the Card or PIN safe), we won’t refund you the amount spent.
  4. Once you report a loss, theft or unauthorised use of the Card to us, we will block the Card so that it cannot be used.
  5. Replacement Physical Cards will be sent to the most recent address you have provided to us and may be subject to a Fee.
  6. You agree to cooperate with our agents, any Regulatory Authority, the police and us if the Card is lost, stolen or if we suspect that someone has used it fraudulently.
  7. If you think that a Transaction has been made that you didn’t authorise or you think that it was incorrect, you must tell us as soon as possible, and no later than 13 months after the Transaction date, and we will refund the amount immediately. We won’t refund it if we believe that the incident may have been caused by a breach of this Cardholder Agreement, through gross negligence or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect fraud.
  8. If you don’t think we’ve carried out a Transaction correctly, we will immediately try to trace the Transaction and will notify you of the outcome. We will not charge you for doing this. If we are liable for the Transaction, we will refund the amount as soon as we can, together with the amount of any charges which may have been charged to you.
  9. If a Transaction that you carried out within the United Kingdom arrived later than it should have according to the terms of this Cardholder Agreement, you may ask us to contact the receiving bank to ask them to treat it as if it was made on time.
  10. If you ask us to investigate a Transaction which is initiated by a Payee (for example, a recurring payment that you have authorised) and the exact Transaction amount was not specified when you authorised the payment and the amount was more than you could have reasonably expected, taking into account your previous spending pattern, the terms of this Cardholder Agreement and the relevant circumstances of the case, we will refund that amount.  
  11. We won’t refund it if the amount relates to currency exchange fluctuations, if you have given your consent to execute the Transaction directly to us or if information on the Transaction was provided or made available in an agreed manner to you at least 4 weeks before the due date of the Transaction.
  12. We will only provide a refund if you request it from us within 8 weeks of the date on which it was debited.


  1. Payment Disputes
  1. If you dispute a Transaction that you have authorised, and which has been processed on the Card, you should settle this with the person you bought the goods or services from; we are not responsible for the quality, safety, legality or any other aspect of goods or services purchased with the Card.  
  2. If the dispute cannot be resolved, you should contact us at Customer Services, and we will try to help you resolve it.
  3. If you think that a Transaction was carried out without your consent or in error, you may ask Program Manager to investigate it.  If an investigation occurs, the disputed amount will be unavailable to spend until our investigation is complete. If we receive information that proves the Transaction was genuine, the relevant amount will be deducted from your Available Balance and we may charge you an investigation fee (as set out in the Fees & Limits Schedule). If you do not have sufficient Available Balance, you must repay us the amount immediately when we ask for it.


  1. Foreign Exchange
  1. The currency of the Card is GBP. If you use the Card in a currency other than the currency of the Card (we will refer to this amount in this clause as the “Foreign Currency Transaction”), we will use an exchange rate set by Mastercard to convert the amount to the currency of the Card and we will deduct it from your Available Balance. For example, if the currency of the Card is Pounds Sterling and you buy a product in Euros Sterling, we will convert the Euros to Pounds and then deduct the Pounds amount from your Available Balance.
  2. You may also be charged a foreign exchange Fee. If you are charged this, it is set out in the Fees & Limits Schedule below.
  3. You can compare charges for currency conversion with other Cards’ charges by checking the real-time percentage difference between the amount that will be charged on the Card for a Foreign Currency Transaction (which consists of the mark-up applied by Mastercard as well as any other charges) and the latest available euro foreign exchange rates issued by the European Central Bank. You can view this information on the Website www.Jamboo.app before you make a Foreign Currency Transaction.


  1. Our Liability
  1. We shall not be liable for:
  1. any loss which occurs from anything which is directly or indirectly beyond our control. Examples of this include: if there aren’t enough funds in an ATM, if the ATM network fails, if you can’t withdraw funds due to the ATM operator settling limits on funds that can be withdrawn or if their data processing system doesn’t work properly;
  2. any loss of profits, loss of business, or any indirect, consequential, special or punitive losses;
  3. any loss which happens as a result of any use of the Card that does not comply with this Cardholder Agreement;
  4. any goods or services that are bought with the Card; and
  5. anyone refusing to accept the Card;
  6. any damages that you suffer due to loss, fraud or theft that you have reported to us later than 13 months after the event/debit date.
  1. If the Card is faulty and this is our fault, our sole responsibility will be to replace the Card.
  2. If funds are incorrectly deducted from your Available Balance and this is our fault, our sole responsibility will be to pay you the correct amount.
  3. Nothing in this Cardholder Agreement shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or fraud.
  4. The above exclusions and limitations set out in this paragraph will also apply to any of our partners, including Mastercard and other suppliers, contractors, representatives and any of their partners (if any) which may arise in connection with this Cardholder Agreement.  
  1. Complaints
  1. If you would like to make a complaint about the Card, please send an email to Program Manager’s Customer Service department at support@jamboo.app.
  2. Customer Service will try to respond to you as quickly as possible and at the latest within 15 Business Days.
  3. If you’re not happy with the response from Customer Service, you can escalate your complaint to TPL’s Complaints Department by writing to complaints@transactpay.com. Please ensure you include the required Personal Details so that we can properly identify and contact you. 
  4. If TPL’s Complaints Department is unable to respond to your complaint immediately, you will receive confirmation that your complaint has been received and a formal investigation will be conducted.  You will receive a formal response of their findings within 35 Business Days of your complaint.
  5. We will make every effort to reach a resolution to your complaint and will fully explain the reasoning behind our decision.  
  6. In the unlikely event that we are unable to resolve your issue to your satisfaction you have the right to refer your complaint to the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission at: Payment Services Team, Financial Services Commission, PO Box 940, Suite 3 Ground, 1st Floor, Atlantic Suites, Europort Avenue, Gibraltar or email psdcomplaints@fsc.gi.


  1. General Communication
  1. When we or Program Manager communicate with you, we’ll do it via the Website www.Jamboo.app and/or by notification on your App and/or by email or mobile device. We’ll use the latest contact details which you have provided us with.


  1. You may contact Customer Services via the details which are set out in clause 1 of this Cardholder Agreement.


  1. Personal Data
  1. We will collect certain information about you so that we can provide and operate the Card program. We need you to provide your Personal Data (for example, your name and address) so that we can carry out our obligations under this Cardholder Agreement (for example, so that we can send you a card with your name on it and send it to the right address). Sometimes, we may need to use your Personal Data so that we can take certain steps, where you ask us to, before we enter into this Cardholder Agreement. If you don’t provide the Personal Data which we ask you for, we will take steps to end this Cardholder Agreement in accordance with clause 11.3(c) above.


  1. We will manage and protect your Personal Data in accordance with all applicable data protection laws. For full and comprehensive information about when and why we collect personal information about you, how we use it and the conditions under which we may disclose it, please refer to our Privacy Policy which is provided to you at the time we collect your Personal Data.


  1. Changes to the Terms and Conditions
  1. We may update or amend this Cardholder Agreement at any time if we give you at least 2 months’ notice first. If we do this, we shall ask Program Manager to notify you on the Website www.Jamboo.app and/or by notification on your App and/or by email (using the latest contact details you have you have provided us with).
  2. If you do not agree with the changes to the Cardholder Agreement, you may end this Cardholder Agreement at any time within the 2-month notice period. If you don’t notify us before the 2-month deadline, we will consider that you have accepted the changes to this Cardholder Agreement.
  3. If any part of this Cardholder Agreement does not comply with any regulatory requirements, then we will not rely on that part but we’ll treat it as if it did actually reflect the relevant regulatory requirement. If we need to make operational changes before we can fully comply with the new regulatory requirement, we will make those changes as soon as we reasonably can.
  1. Language

The English language version of this Cardholder Agreement, any communications that we send to you and any content on the App or Website content will apply. If we translate this Cardholder Agreement or any other content relating to the Program into another language, the translated version is for reference only.

  1. Governing Law

This Cardholder Agreement is governed by Gibraltar law.

  1. Jurisdiction

You agree to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Gibraltar. ‘Non-exclusive jurisdiction’ means that you may also have the right to refer a dispute to the court of another country.

  1. Miscellaneous
  1. Any delay or failure to exercise any right or remedy under this Cardholder Agreement by us shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy or preclude its exercise at any subsequent time. This means that if we don’t enforce our rights against you at a particular time, we are still able to do so at a later time.
  2. The Card is a payment service product and not a deposit or credit or banking product. It is therefore not governed by the Deposit Security Scheme of Gibraltar. Please refer to the Wallet agreement with Transact Payments Limited in relation to the safeguarding of your funds.
  3. If any provision of this Cardholder Agreement is deemed unenforceable or illegal, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.
  4. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights and/or benefits under this Cardholder Agreement and you shall be the sole party to the contract between us. You will remain liable until all Cards issued to you are cancelled or have expired and all sums due under this Cardholder Agreement have been paid by you in full. We may assign our rights and benefits under this Cardholder Agreement to a third party and may subcontract any of our obligations under this Cardholder Agreement, if we reasonably believe that this would not have a significant negative effect on your rights.


Fees & Limits Schedule

Please find a link to the current fees here: Fee Information Document

Limit Type Freq Tier 1 (GBP) Tier 2 (GBP)
Max. Number POS (#) 1 day 30 30
Max. Value POS (£) 1 day 5,000 5,000
Max. Value POS (£) 4 days 20,000 20,000
Max. Number ATM (#) 1 day 10 10
Max. Number ATM (#) 4 days 40 40
Max. Value ATM (£) 1 day 500 500